Class TimeSnak

Class for the TimeSnak.

Most used property of this type is P1619 (date of official opening).

Hierarchy (View Summary)



after: undefined | number
before: undefined | number
calendarmodel: undefined | CalendarModels
datatype: string = 'time'
hash: undefined | string
precision: undefined | number
property: `P${number}`
snaktype: SnakType
time: undefined | string
timezone: undefined | number


  • get hasValue(): boolean
  • Checks if the snak has a value.

    Returns boolean

    True if the snak has a value.

  • get internalID(): string
  • Creates a unique ID for the Snak.

    Returns string

    The ID.


  • This function checks if two snaks are equal.


    Returns boolean

    True if the snaks are equal.

    if (snak.equals(other)) {
    // do something
  • Dates only, so add all of the date (year, month, day).


    • property: `P${number}`

      The property of the snak in 'P-form'.

    • year: number

      The year of the date.

    • month: number

      The month of the date (1-12), so just the normal months.

    • day: number

      The day of the date (1-31).

    • calendarModel: CalendarModels = ''

      The calendar model for the snak.

    Returns TimeSnak

    The TimeSnak.

    const snak = TimeSnak.fromDate('P1619', 2020, 1, 30, '');
  • Create a TimeSnak from a Date object.

    WARNING: JS Dates are horrible and you should not use them. Use a library like moment.js instead. When using it normally you should be fine, but anything before 1970 will be wrong. Also, timezones are not supported, so you need to use UTC which conflicts with Wikidata that assumes that all dates are in the local timezone.


    • property: `P${number}`

      The property of the snak in 'P-form'.

    • date: Date

      The Date object.

    • calendarModel: CalendarModels = ''

      The calendar model for the snak.

    Returns TimeSnak

    The TimeSnak.

    const snak = TimeSnak.fromDateObject('P1619', new Date(), '');