Class GlobeCoordinateSnak

Class for the GlobeCoordinateSnak.

Most used property of this type is P625 (coordinate location).

Hierarchy (View Summary)

  • Snak
    • GlobeCoordinateSnak



altitude: undefined | null

The altitude of the Coordinate

datatype: string = dataType
globe: undefined | string

The "globe" that this coordinate refers to. Globe defaults to "Earth" (globe:

hash: undefined | string
latitude: undefined | number

The latitude of the Coordinate

longitude: undefined | number

The longitude of the Coordinate

precision: undefined | number

The precision of the Coordinate

property: `P${number}`
snaktype: SnakType


  • get hasValue(): boolean
  • Checks if the snak has a value.

    Returns boolean

    True if the snak has a value.

  • get internalID(): string
  • Creates a unique ID for the Snak.

    Returns string

    The ID.
